We are organizing our union at
Sound Transit!

Did you know that Security Operations Center Superintendents, Field Activity Specialists, and Public Information Coordinators are already unionized at Sound Transit?

Sound Transit employees are coming together to have our voices heard! Some people may not care about the recent Return-To-Office mandate, and others care deeply about it. In either case, we want to have a voice in all decisions that affect our careers, and our lives. Having the ability to negotiate over our working conditions will greatly benefit all of us, and allow us to keep the things we care about.

Losing the flexibility in our work will negatively impact our lives in multiple ways: time with our children, hours of commuting time away from our families, and our mental and physical well-being.

Without a union, Sound Transit is able to make unilateral, arbitrary decisions and take back promises made to us when we were hired. It is time we have a say in how we work!

We value each other's privacy and commit to keeping any and all contact information private.

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Why Organize Now?

Equitable Pay

Sound Transit workers deserve equitable pay and wage scales that reflect our service to the organization.

Just Cause

Sound Transit workers deserve protection from arbitrary decision-making and the right to representation.


Sound Transit workers deserve schedules that makes sense, and the flexibility to live and work in this area.

As Sound Transit continues to grow, expanding the light rail to Snohomish County and beyond, Sound Transit employees deserve to grow and thrive along with it.

Without a union, we are forced to accept arbitrary changes to our working conditions without having a say with little or no transparency. Now is the time to stand together and advocate for ourselves. Will you join us and take action to secure better pay, benefits, and working conditions?

What does the future of work look like to you?

King County and Sound Transit have announced Return to Office policies. Whatever your current work situation is, we need your input on the impacts of commuting time, dependent care costs, health and environmental impacts, and other factors related to in-office work that affect the quality of life of Sound Transit workers.


Here are some common questions we have received during our campaign to form a union in Project Controls:

We have filed our representation petition with PERC! What does that mean?


Employees in Project Controls have chosen to unionize with PROTEC17 and begin the process of negotiating over issues that impact us at work. We have reached sufficient support to file a Representation Petition with PERC (Public Employment Relations Commission) that begins the process of gaining union representation. From here, Sound Transit and the union will need to agree to a few things, including the list of employees implicated in the card check election.

If you have signed a form, you have casted your yes vote and do not need to do anything further. Thank you!

If you have not signed a form, your name will be counted as a no vote for our card check election-- but there is still time to sign! Please join us in our fight to unionize by filling out the authorization form.

Will we be able to stop Return-to-Office if we unionize?


The RTO mandate is top of mind for a lot of people working at Sound Transit right now. When we file our petition for representation, we will enter what is called a "period of status quo", meaning that Sound Transit cannot make changes to our hours, benefits, or working conditions until we negotiate as a union. Because remote work is the "dynamic status quo" for employees in Project Controls-- meaning that's what has been promised to people and what employees expect-- we have a fighting chance at stopping the RTO mandate until we are able to negotiate as a union.

If you are already back to working in the office, please know that we will be fighting to ensure you have the ability to telework as part of our negotiated agreement.

Yes, we understand that Sound Transit has communicated vague plans for RTO already, but because they have NOT set the plan in motion, and because there have been very few details communicated to employees, we have the opportunity to capture this precedent now, but we need to take action!

When I start paying dues, does that mean I'll make less money?


Union employees on average earn 10-20% more than non-union employees. Once we are certified as a union, we will begin negotiating for the issues that matter to us, including pay scales. The process of unionizing ensures that you're able to see our Collective Bargaining Agreement (a legally binding contract negotiated by both Sound Transit, a professional Negotiator from PROTEC17, and a team of our colleagues) before voting to approve it. No one would vote to approve a contract that gave them less money.

Will we have enough leverage to make real change at Sound Transit?


Yes! Not only are three other classifications at Sound Transit represented by PROTEC17, but employees at Sound Transit are organizing across departments and industries to have a voice in the decisions that affect them at work. PROTEC17 represents over 10,000 professionals at the City, County, State, and other municipalities and has the leverage to fight for what we need at the table. Remember: We are the union, so the more united we are, the stronger we are.

Will unionizing affect my ability to change jobs within Sound Transit?


No. Should you decide to leave Project Controls for another Department, however, you would lose your union representation and be an at-will employee again.

About PROTEC17

We are a member-powered union inspiring action, advancing
equity, and building community.